Indranil Chattoraj

B.Tech. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
M.S. Ohio State University, USA

Ph.D. Ohio State University, USA

Director, CSIR- NML, Jamshedpur, India (February 2017- September 2022)
Theme Director, CSIR theme "Mining, Minerals, Metals & Materials" (October 2019- September 2022)
Adjunct Professor, IIT Jodhpur (January 2023 onwards)
Areas of Specialization: Hydrogen Embrittlement, Localized Corrosion

Nirupam Chakraborti

B.Met.E Jadavpur University
M.S New Mexico Tech. USA

Ph.D. University of Washington USA

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic.
Areas of Specialization: Modeling and optimization of systems of metallurgical and materials interest. Evolutionary Machine Learning, including Deep Learning Evolutionary Multi-objective algorithms development and their applications in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Technology